Czech Republic


Vítejte na stránkách společnosti R-BAG!
Společnost R-BAG je předním poskytovatelem služeb v oboru letecké dopravy ve střední a východní Evropě. Specializujeme se zejména na  leteckou nákladní dopravu tzv. cargo a dalších služeb s ní spojených.
V odvětví letecké nákladní dopravy nabízíme širokou škálu služeb od komplexního servisu pro letecké společnosti až po prodej speciálních obalových materiálů. R-BAG Group vám může poskytnout i další služby v oboru letecké dopravy, pro detailní informace kontaktujte náš tým. 
Mezi naše hlavní aktivity patří:
  • zastoupení leteckých společností - General Sales and Service Agent (GSSA) v letecké nákladní dopravě
  • kontrola kapacity, komunikace s handlingovými agenty, asistence při odbavení nákladních letů
  • zprostředkování osobních i nákladních letů zakázku
  • logistické služby, zajištění silniční přepravy a bezpečnostní kontroly, manipulace a skladování (ASI / Airline Support International Logistics)
  • průzkumy a analýzy trhu
  • logistické řešení při přepravě teplotně senzitivního zboží
  • a další služby spojené s leteckou dopravou

R-BAG Czech s.r.o. was established in September 2004 as a subsidiary of the R-BAG Group. R-BAG Czech is owned by its Hungarian mother-company base in Budapest. Our mission is to provide to our valuable partners, so as to the forwarding agents and airlines, the possible highest level of air cargo related logistic services in terms of their export movements. This is guaranteed by our enthusiastic, dynamic and customer oriented team, having many years professional experience. R-BAG Czech, with its represented, worldwide renowned and reliable airlines, such as Qatar Airways Cargo, DHL Aviation, Virgin Atlantic, undertake the transportation of any air-cargo related job to almost any point of the world.



DUPONT TYVEK (Cargo covers protecting any kind of cargo from all kind of environmental impacts during transportation. Additional security for your cargo during the flight)

SWITRACE (Data loggers wich helps you to track and record temperature. Additional security for our valuable customers for their valuable cargo)

If Interested in Cool Chain Solutions please click here


Qatar Airways Cargo new GSA
2021.10.01.Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia / newsQatar Airways Cargo new GSA

We happy to inform you that Qatar Airways Cargo gave their representation in Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria to R-BAG Group.

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Finnair Cargo new GSA:R-BAG
2018.04.11.Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia / newsFinnair Cargo new GSA:R-BAG

We happy to inform you that Finnair Cargo gave their representation in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Austria to R-BAG Group.

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IATA DG 59th
2018.01.15.Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Headquarters, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine / newsIATA DG 59th

There are significant changes in IATA Dangerous Good Regulation 59th edition.

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Etihad Cargo new website
2017.12.01.Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland / newsEtihad Cargo new website

Etihad Cargo new website contains cargo tracing in real time

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R-BAG is the official Tyvek distributor
2015.04.01.Austria, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Headquarters, Hungary, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia / newsR-BAG is the official Tyvek distributor

We happy to inform you that the famous American conglomerate DuPont appointed R-BAG Group as their official reseller in the Central Eastern European region, of Tyvek air cargo cover products.

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R-BAG Czech s.r.o ABC Building, section A

P.O BOX 66 Aviatická 12/1048 160 08 Prague Czech Republic

Phone: +420220116684

Fax: +420220116683


Pavla Chramostová DiS.

Pavla Chramostová DiS.

Country Manager

Phone: +420 724 284400

Fax: +420 220 116683


Martin Langr


Phone: +420 602 293043

Fax: +420 220 116683


Vojtěch Brádka

Operation QR

Phone: +420220116684

Mobil: +420606773999

Fax: +420 220 116683


Ales Vejvoda

Operation Assistant QY

Phone: +420220116684

Mobil: +420606773039

Fax: +420 220 116683


Lukas Musil

Sales Manager

Phone: +420 220 116684

Mobil: +420 606 773233

Fax: +420 220 116683


Jana Hesková

Administrative assistant Invoicing

Phone: +420220116684

Fax: +420 220 116683


Dominik Nocar

Supervisor - QR

Phone: +420220116684

Mobil: +420606773455

Fax: +420 220 116683


Kamila Drahozalová

Operation AY-VS

Phone: +420220116684

Mobil: +420606773303

Fax: +420 220 116683


Ing. Martin Novák

Cargo sales operations QR

Phone: +420220116684

Mobil: +420 606773454

Fax: +420 220 116683


Daniela Mačenková

operation QR - AVI specialist

Phone: +420220116684

Mobil: +420606773466

Fax: +420 220 116683


Tereza Vinčíková

Operation QR -DGR specialist

Phone: +42 0 220116684

Mobil: +420606773454

Fax: +420 220 116683

