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Suntem lider de piata privind servicii gloabale in domeniul aviatiei in Europa Centarala si de Est avand ca scop indeplinirea nevoilor la nivel mondial, a nevoilor si cerintelor clienților privind exportul de mărfuri cat si importul dar și traficul de pasageri în regiunea respectivă.
Dacă sunteți în căutarea unor soluții cuprinzătoare in aviație, pentru un mijloc de transport aerian cat si pentru o experiență de călătorie de neuitat, sunteți la locul potrivit!
R-BAG Grup va ofera, sub o singura umbrella, un pachet integrat de solutii personalizate de aviatie, furnizate de catre profesionisti cu inalta experienta.
Haideti sa aruncam o privire impreuna asupra activitatii noastre:
- Agent General Vânzări și Servicii Cargo
- servicii suplimentare cum ar fi:
- supravegherea incarcarii aeronavelor la sol
- asistarea zborurilor
- optimizarea spatiului incarcat
- Organizarea de chartere atat pentru pasageri si cargo
- servicii logistice, ca de exemplu camioanare, manipulare, sortare și depozitare
- studii de piață
- soluții pentru transport cu temperatura controlata
Noi credem cu tărie că R-BAG este soluția perfecta pentru Dvs în Europa Centrală și de Est!
R-BAG Romania was established in Bucharest in Sep 2005. R-BAG Hungary is the majority owner of its subsidiaries in Central-Eastern Europe. The comprehensive financial and strategic management is also carried out by the Hungarian headquarter located in Budapest. R-BAG Romania, with its represented, worldwide renowned and reliable airlines, such as Qatar Airways Cargo, and TAP AirPortugal undertake the transportation of any air-cargo related job to almost any point of the world.
If your cargo requires some special treatment, such as being dangerous (DGR), perishable (PER), live animals (AVI), valuable (VAL), etc., than please contact us for further required special conditions.
Our mission is still the same like at our establishment: to provide to our valuable partners, so as to the forwarding agents and airlines, the possible highest level of air cargo related logistic services in terms of their export-import movements. This is guaranteed by our enthusiastic, dynamic and customer oriented team, having many years professional experience.
If a certain destination you're looking for is not included in our general destination list, or the quantity or characteristic of your goods requires a special freighter carriage, or your shipment must enjoy an extra urgent uplift and delivery, we can arrange a dedicated charter flight solution for you. Any special requirement or condition might arisen, please turn again to our office, our experience
DUPONT TYVEK (Cargo covers protecting any kind of cargo from all kind of environmental impacts during transportation. Additional security for your cargo during the flight)
SWITRACE (Data loggers wich helps you to track and record temperature. Additional security for our valuable customers for their valuable cargo)
If Interested in Cool Chain Solutions please click here
China Eastern Cargo re-lunched their flight with R-BAG from BUD to PVG three times per week.
Read moreWe happy to inform you that Qatar Airways Cargo gave their representation in Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria to R-BAG Group.
Read moreThere are significant changes in IATA Dangerous Good Regulation 59th edition.
Read moreWe happy to inform you that the famous American conglomerate DuPont appointed R-BAG Group as their official reseller in the Central Eastern European region, of Tyvek air cargo cover products.
Read moreEvents
R-BAG Romania s.r.l.
Airport Plaza Building No 1 A, Drumul Garii Odai Street, Room 313, et.3, 075100, Otopeni, Ilfov
Phone: +40 746 168 515